DH wanted a landscape cozy for his MacBook to protect the finish. Being that he doesn't complain about my wool purchases too much, I felt that I must oblige. I looked for a pattern on the web, but didn't find any. Just pictures of cozies that others had made, so I developed my own.
Felted MacBook CozyThe MacBook circumferential dimensions are 20" tall by 27.5" wide by 1.25" deep
I used 2 ply Bartlett wool double stranded on size 11 needles.
With these calculations I made the following pattern. Swatching and felting is VITAL to have a successful product here, since it needs to fit the computer. You need to do your own math adjusting stitch and row count, depending how your swatch felts.

•CO 4 stitches (long tail method)
•K 51 rows
Using either dpns or a circular needle,
•Pick up and K 37 stitches along the length,
•4 stitches at the other end of the the rectangle
•37 stitches along the other side. (this should give 82 stitches)
•Place Marker
•Taking care not to twist the stitches, join in the round - note the first rows of the circular stitching are difficult if you're knitting on a circular that is too large unless you're using the Magic Loop.
•K 36 rows (rounds)'
•Bind Off 45 stitches (these should begin with one of the 'short sides and end with the other 'short' side,
leaving one long side (37 stitches) open
•K these 37 stitches flat in stockinette stitch for 20 rows
•Bind Off these 37 stitches

Felt in washer. Checking frequently for size.
In order that my cozy dried in the correct shape, I found some books that were the same size as the laptop. and covered them with a plastic bag as to not ruin them, then inserted them in the felted bag until it was dry. I also pinned the flap in place to assure that it would have the correct shape.

After all was dry, I chose three buttons, sewed them on and cut buttonholes in the flap. You can needle felt any decoration you wish now. I chose to put my husband's initials in a font that he elected.
©pattern by Carole Burkhardt 2007
I've read that you should line your cozy in an anti-static cloth. He keeps his inside the cozy in his briefcase and hasn't had any static problems with it being unlined, but I'm thinking of lining it anyway.
I offer this for your personal use. If you want to share this pattern, please post a link to this page and give me the credit for the design. Thanks so much!
If I can decipher my notes, I'll post the portrait version of this that I made for my nephew for Christmas in the near future!