So I'm straightening up a bit while DH and the kids are at gymnastics, trying to wake up on a Saturday AM after 2 very late nights knitting peeps (oops) and there are 2 bags of stuff my mom sent home with DH on Thursday (along with her slippers to refelt) I open the first bag and there are 2 little heart Lenox thingies that my niece gave out at her bridal shower, a small Yankee candle in a glass jar in a yummo flavor and these 3 books:

Now mind you, they were published in 1973 so some of the styles are dated (maybe I can call them retro now?) but the techniques are the same, right? Each book contains ideas for knitting, crocheting, sewing, canvaswork, embroidery and general crafts (ie latch rug making, knitting with spools for kids, iron-on applique, macrame, reupholstery, potato printing.. you get the idea)
I don't remember my mom ever being extremely crafty. She was a great knitter (but didn't do it often cuz my Dad's sister was the 'knitter' in the family) She sewed occasionally, but never enough to fine tune the craft, she still does counted cross stitch and is incredible at that.. but wowee... I'm loving these books...
I need one more gift mom! Time... to do all this
Thanks, you're the best... and don't let pop throw anything out before I see it!!!!
that's so cool! I'm sure that some of the pieces of clothing will come back into style if they haven't already!
Those look so cool! BTW, if you are looking for something to make your mom.... perhaps a lace shawl ;-) (I know, I'm evil!)
I have these books! And I got them when they were new. Sigh!
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