Pattern: Little Turtle Knits felted moccasins
Yarn: Peace Fleece
Colors: Bagdhad Blue and Volgasippi Pink
Needle: Knit Picks Options size 10
Date started: March 04, 2007
Date ended: March 10, 2007
They're felted. I didn't felt them as much as I would have liked because I was afraid that they would wind up too small. Mom has big feet. They fit me in length but are too wide. I'm hoping they'll be just right for her as her feet and ankles are so swollen. As you can see they're to wide on me. I didn't alter the pattern at all for this pair.

If I were to make them again, I'd make the bottom narrower, (affecting the top as well) and lower the front so they'd be less roomy. Most people that I know that make them make them for babies and it probably works well for them cuz they have such chubby little feet... but my feet are really skinny (the only part on my body that is LOL)
Still working on getting the project for school on Monday started. I have all the yarn in center pull balls now, and I have 13 started (cast on plus a couple of rows) so they can get right to the knitting.... Send me warm, knitty thoughts tomorrow afternoon as I face twenty some new knitters (ages 8-11)
Off to make banana bread with DD!
Those slippers are so pretty. I love the color! I've read on other people's blogs that they give slippers as gifts unfelted so that the receiver can felt them to fit them perfectly. Sounds like that would be a good idea...but I would miss seeing the transformation myself :)
happy knitting :)
Oh, cool! (Here's where I write, and delete, and write, and delete, some silly thing about my feet being 6.5 EE so, you know, if you have any problems wearing slippers that wide, hey...)
I had a number of issues with the sizing on the felted mocs pattern... my guage was right, I followed the pattern for my size, and the first one came out too short *before* felting - so I never even finished or felted mine! Maybe some day I'll try again.. not sure. It's hardly ever cold enough to need slippers here..
I'm sre they'll fit mom. Her fot is theh same length as mine but much wider because of all the swelling. I hope she can get lots of use from them and they help keep her toasty!
The pattern def wasn't designed for adults tho!
alison it would probably B perfect 4 your feet!
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