Saturday, December 20, 2008


for Christmas gifts today was a little depressing. Everything is so expensive and frankly, I'm a cheapskate. Ironically I came across this quiz the other day and wondered how I'd do:

You Are 62% Likely to Survive Another Great Depression

Even though you may not be expecting the worst, you're the type of person who prepares for the worst.

You live a relatively modest life. You don't overspend, and you aren't very materialistic.

You are also quite self sufficient and independent. You have many useful skills.

You can take care of yourself and those you love... which is crucial to surviving another Great Depression.

I was hoping for better, but I guess with 3 kids plenty of $ gets eaten. I hope we'll never have to know how we'd fare through another depression.

1 comment:

Dori said...

Oh my gosh Carol, we got the same score for surviving a depression!! I guess if it happens we should get Hope you and your family have a Very Merry Chistmas and Blessed New Year, and look forward to reading more of your blog!!