This picture is actually from Saturday. This morning when I awoke, the ground was white.
wowee blogger looks different when uploading now :-)
I likey!
DD had to get her foot checked out today so I took a family sick day. It was a late start for me and it turned out that my kids had no school since they were scheduled for a half day. Hope my sub did OK.

At any rate... on the way home from the doctor I convinced the kids we should stop at the OP shop since it was buy one get 2 free of the color tag. They picked out books... lots of them. I got some sweaters.... some to frog and some to felt... 2 pair of pants for me, a marble cheese board/slicer, some gifts for some folks, a travel game for the kids and this cool pie thing... 2 pans, a crust saver and then the red thing is plastic that you press in the top crust to make apple shaped vents in while it bakes.

But the find of the day (OK the year for me) was this
Barbara Walkers The Craft of Lace Knitting book... for 1.91 It's in perfect shape and the cheapest one used at amazon is $35.50.... Happy Dance Time!
What a great find!
I am so jealous about the lace book... what a bargain! And it may not even be in print anymore, so even luckier!
Op-shops are our favorite thing over at French Picnic!
what happened to DD's foot? What is an OP shop? You totally scored! Love the pie thing and jealous of the BW Lace Knitting book you found!!
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