is the KAL from the Monthly Dishcloth Yahoo group from January

Pattern: Snowflake by Rainy Kimbrough
Yarn: Lily Sugar and Cream
Color: White
Needle: Knitpicks Options size 7 If I were to do this cloth again, I think I'd go down a needle size. It's a bit too open for my taste. I don't know if it's because of the size or because of the needles.. These were new to me from Christmas and I'm very, very happy with them.

I was so lucky to receive 2 sets off the
Knitpicks Options needles, plus extra cables and tips... and being needle greedy, I think I'll keep both sets. The wallet is really nice, holds several ziplock pockets (of which they include a pair each of one pocket, two pocket and 3 pocket ziplocks that have hole punches to put in the notebook like center. There is a place for a pen or pencil, 2 open pockets for placing papers that you may have patterns written on or a gauge thing a big pocket on the inside of the other cover that has a zippered pocket on top! I'll store all my circulars in these.... Probably separating them by size. It'll be fun to finish putting everything away. I tried to fit it all (but my addis) in one holder, but alas, they don't fit. This fact also leaned me towards keeping both sets cuz the holder alone is $20.

The gifts my MIL bestowed upon me on their arrival from Argentina. 6 skeins of wool that is a sheep/llama mix. 4 of the medium tan color and 2 of brown. I think this will be too scratchy for clothing and her intent was that I make bags out it. So along with that are wooden handles for three purses, wooden buttons: 6 little ones for clothing and 3 accent buttons that can be used wherever I wish, AND a pin to close a wrap or shawl with. She knows I really love the wooden stuff..... what a great MIL I have!
The 3 Kings were here to leave 3 gifts for my children. They each got a color wonder book and markers. DS1 got 2 power rangers (he's enamored by them much to my chagrin) DS2 got wooden food and a flashlight and DD got a Little Mermaid audio CD and the card game Rook. One gift from each King... they were very happy this morning. DS1 was for the first time in his life anxious to go to bed last night so that the Kings could come and was upset that everyone else was still awake! He's turning into something else... sometimes the things that he says are so funny. He keeps us laughing that's for sure!!
you know, I'm so glad I didn't do the mdg kal this time around. It does look vaguely familiar and doesn't quite look like a snowflake but more like the something else we knitted not too long ago! you're a lucky girl to have been gifted two sets of the knitpick options! That is on the top of my to buy list once I can stop holding so tightly to the money I have! what a great mil you have too! yarn, handles for purses, a shawl pin,and buttons! :)
This was my first time doing a KAL and I loved doing it, but I agree with your comment. Is it a snowflake or a star? lol.
I am looking forward to the next one though.
I feel very lucky about my gifts! Now to get knitting.
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