Pattern: Panta revisited
Yarn: Lion Brand Homespun
Color: Black
Needle Size: Addis Turbo 8
Pattern changes: none
Comments: It's a very quick knit, but I'd add more to the center. I may use this pattern for a panta in pink wool for DD. I may also decide to try a different pattern.. but this one really moves along quickly!
The purpose of the trip was to take the ILs to see the city at Christmas. I must say, I've never seen so many people in NY except on TV at New Year's Eve. 5th Ave was literally wall to wall people on the sidewalks of both sides of the street, which made it a bit difficult to push a stroller, and also made me nervous with the other 2 kiddos staying up with us. But we fared very well.
First stop, the disney store. The kids had a bit of money from Christmas to spend. DD bought 2 CDs to go with her new player. DS1 chose a power ranger toy (what a surprise) and DS2 a small train with Mickey. The store is enormous and decorated to the hilt, but I have to say I expected more....
Thursday night we took one of Bill White's Christmas Lights Tourin the Lehigh Valley. We chose Tour #9, Roni's Rocky Road Fudge, because it was closest to home and saw possibly the most decorated house in the entire Valley at 1135 Sunset Drive.

That would be the picture on the left. We also saw the one on the right on this tour as well as many other beautiful lights.
Of course I took along my knitting (that's what this blog is about isn't it?) I worked on a scarf in the car, the recipient was mentioned in a former blog.
Pattern: Curly Purly Dropped Yarnover Scarf
Yarn: Joann Sensations Bellezza Collection Cosetta
Wool Blend-68% wool 32% Nylon
Color: Cosetta Teal
Amount: 50g/117m
Needle Size: 13
The pattern calls for using needles 3 sizes larger than you would use to get a typical knit fabric. Since the label called for a size 11 but the yarn is really on the heavy worsted weight side (of which I may usually use a 9 typically) I chose to use a 13 needle. I think my picture looks fairly close to Marnie's picture in her pattern as far as openness goes. Perhaps a bit more open, but it worked out great for length and only needing 1 skein. Of course I had already purchased 2, and now need to find another project for this wool... maybe it will felt well?
If I don't post tmrw, I wish all of you a very happy and healthy New Year full of fun crafting!