Here it is modeled by my DH in the closed position.

Now to do the other one.
My bobbles on the Monthly Dishcloth KAL are coming out great. I think I know what it is. Seasonal to say the least. Glad I chose red... although I think a certain shade of pink or pink varigated could also have looked as nice as red or maroon.
I've finished felting the initials into the MacBook cozy and sewed the button on. It's ready to give now... just have to wait for Christmas. I'm really happy with the way it turned out!

Yarn: Recycled wool from a sweater I bought at the Boutique at the Rink Sale Heavy worsted weight, double stranded
Pattern: My own. I'll post it if I have requests, but really you still have to do the math after you felt your swatch to see what your shrinkage is. Especially since the size of the finished object is so crucial.
Needle size: 10.5 Circular. I started at the bottom with dpns, then magic looped it as soon as I could.
Roving for felting: Peace Fleece Firebird Orange
My nephew, the recipient of this bag, is one of the geek squad but his first initial is also G. So it works both ways. He loves the flyers so the orange and black work too... for both the Flyers and the Geek Squad. DH thinks he's gonna love it. I hope so!
Speaking of Peace Fleece. I sold the 2 skeins of Buffalo Brownski to WAHmama who makes wool diaper covers. She had a custom slot to fill and needed that color and didn't have it. Since I did, I offered it up. It would have been a bit before I got around to using it, so why not? DH was happy to see some skeins leave since they are usually coming in the door instead!
OK... have lots of work to do so this post is a short one.
Happy crafting everyone!
the macbook cozy is so cool!!! :) I love the convertible mitten too!! I already finished the cloth for the monthly dishcloth kal. :o I'm going to make another one in pink too. :) I was thinking pink variegated as well! :) We're such geniuses! lol.
OK... I can't promise it before T-day, but I'll give you what you've got. LIke I said you need to felt a swatch and do pre and post measurements so you can figure how much it's going to shrink and how big you have to make it.
I should finish the monthly dishcloth KAL tonight cuz it should be easy to figure how to end it since it seems to be balanced. I finished the dishcloth fun one today. I'll block it before a piture though.
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