Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the concert's over

and my kids did a great job... yay chorus! I am so proud of you!!!! While I was gone my own children trimmed the tree.... there were only a few casualties.

Part of DH's present was attempted to be delivered yesterday so the kids and I had to go to FedEx and pick it up after school. I was hoping it was my LittleKnits order. But that was waiting for me on the porch when we got home...some Noro for the Lizard Ridge that was on sale, and GGH velour which is like the LionBrand suede yarn.. thought I'd make belts for gifts (and dh and me) and some Queensland Collection Uruguayan DK: a blend merino, alpaca silk that was on sale and I couldn't resist. Pics are up in ravelry (ID = craftycarole)

Tonight I fulled the Lopi tote. It only took 1 time throught the washer and came out beautifully. I also chose some fabric to line it... we had this sheet in the basement that has a green strip that matches perfectly. The sheet we used as a drop cloth, so I can certainly cut out enough to make the lining and really think it will be perfect!

Late last night I cast on for the peekaboo mittens for my bestest friend. This is all I got done before my body gave in to the tiredness.... I'll stay up late and work on them tonight along with my sub plans for Friday. My own kids have their parent student teacher conferences Friday afternoon. Hopefully, I can sneak in a bit of shopping in the AM before they have to be picked up at 11:30. HO HO is pretty slim this year.

Lastly, here's a picture of some wool I reclaimed from a sweater I got at a tag sale that was hand knit in Uruguay. I felt so bad frogging it because of the beautiful two color work in it, but it wouldn't fit anybody in this family. So... the one sleeve gave me 150 yards... the colorwork is white that is duplicate stitched over the blue, so it's time consuming to frog.... but I think it will be worth it

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