I did a few rows on the MacBook cozy but I need to wind some more yarn to continue. I'll do that before I go to bed so I can take it to work tmrw and do it at lunch! And I cast on in Sugar and Cream grape for a bat cloth that I'd like to add to my Halloween collection. There's about 3 more cloths I'd like to do for that and the Oct dishcloths will be set. My goal is to have a nice set (about a half dozen or so) for each month.
I've decided to make DDs teachers cloths to wrap around some cute snowmen and snowflake soaps I bought at Michael's. That should be fun too! I have quite a few cloths to make. It's a good thing they're a quick knit.
I was at ACMoore yesterday and picked up some S&C yarn. Well *some* is an understatement. It was on sale for $1.17 a skein and I got an additional 10% off that... so I figured why not go out and get what I want! Unfortunately, they had no black in stock. But this is what I bought: 3 Denim Ombre, 3 Warm Ben, 3 Jute, 2 Dark Pine, Country Brown, Hot Orange, Tea Rose, Westport, Delft Blue, Mistletoe, Rosewood, Early American Ombre, Rose Pink, Pumpkin, Patio Pinks, Over the Rainbow Ombre, Soft Teal, Yellow, and Sunshine. That should keep me busy for a bit!
And finally, the craft of the evening. Trick or treat is tomorrow night and I'm ashamed to say that all three kids are wearing store bought costumes. So where is the craft you may ask? Here in the carving of our Jack-o-lanterns:

DD chose the faces along with her brother's help. The youngest had absolutely no say in the matter, although he pulled a chair up to the counter to help. DD and DS1 helped trace the faces on the pumpkins for mom to carve. DS1 really wanted to get his hands on those pumpkin saws in the worst way, but I prevailed.
Happy haunting and fun crafting!
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