Today's my baby's birthday. He's two now... where did the time go? Last night he took a very late nap so after everyone else was asleep he joined me in the kitchen to make empanadas for his birthday dinner... pushed the chair into the corner of the cabinets just like his big sister does, climbed on it and proceeded to help... well sort of. It really was too cute. He's growing up way too fast. Seems the older I get, the faster time flies!
Last night when I was finished my chores, I took some pictures of the yarn I picked up at ACMoore 25% off sale on Saturday.
So here it all is

In the basket we have Lily Sugar and Cream. After I took the picture I found another skein or two. This hardly represents even a small percentage of the cotton stash, but was a nice addition.

The Patons Merino is for longies for DS2. I was hoping he'd be out of dipes by now, but I can see that he's not going to cooperate and I don't think daycare really pushes the potty training issue, so it probably won't happen now until next summer
The Caron Felt It is for a felted purse for DD. She chose the color. Although I'm partial to it as well... guess mom can always borrow it, since I'm making it!
The Magic Stipes sock wool is for ME! Need some toasty socks to keep my feet warm in my Birks this winter.... love the blue colors and the other is just for fun :-)

DD also decided she'd like a hat and mittens made from the Lion Wool varigated yarn. She couldn't decide on the color so I got both. I've wanted to try it anyway. I've heard some good reviews about it and at the prices they were offering I figured I can always come up with some project to use it on ;-)
Today was day 2 in both the Monthly Dishcloth KAL and the Dishcloth Fun KAL. I had to post pics of my progress so far.

The all black is for the Monthly Dishcloth KAL, a yahoo group. We have no clue as to what it will be. The suggested colors were black, grey, white or tan.
The stripey one is for dishcloth fun. I have no clue what that one is either... It's a surprise month! I'm wondering if it's one of those patterns where you have to hold it at an angle to see. I think it's called illusion knitting. The yarn behind the cloth is all for this particular cloth. 4 colors. You had a choice for color #3. I chose orange. I think the combination will work well together.
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