Friday, July 18, 2008

stormy weather

yesterday, we had the greatest summer rainstorm! The sky was green-gray, the wind whipped, rain was torrential, hail fell, and the storm drain lids popped all down the street. It was like watching old faithful. Usually they build up pressure and pop and that's that. But yesterday, the one in front of our house popped and the water erupted about 2 feet in the air. For a while, the street was flooded as was the sidewalk. Naturally DD, who has been obsessed lately with weather (I mean really obsessed) was freaking out. The storm ripped the bark off the higher porportions of the sycamore trees that line the street. After the water subsided, we sat on the porch. The electricity was gone. The kids sang songs and read. I carded and spun. It was wonderful. DH brought dinner home from a local restaurant. The kids watched a movie on his laptop and I went on the porch and spun by candlelight. Loved it!

I'll post more later with some pictures of stuff

1 comment:

EricaLynn said...

Sounds like a good storm. I grew up in NC and one of the very few things I miss is the thunderstorms. I also miss the sweet tea:)
Maybe our sheep were brothers? Sounds like you're getting really close to finishing too, yay!