As you can see, I've been editing, pretty unsuccessfully, the sidebar for my WIPs. Please bear with me. I am wanting to use those cute little icons of objects instead of rectangular progress bars. Always have, but this week when adding something to my older progress bars, I inadvertantly changed some of the html. I'd fix it, but I don't know what I deleted... (oops) so, I've spent some time working on it, to no avail. At any rate, if anybody can help me out, I'd appreciate it. I have the little gifs of the cute icons in my photobucket account under the BlogItems folder.
On to other happier events. This afternoon all 5 of us went to see
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium rated G for general audiences and F for my father (meaning it's worthy of him seeing) It's a great movie but hit a little close to home as I'mdealing with my dad's seemingly fleeting time left with us. DS2, much to my husband's chagrin, is
still not movie going ready yet... Shame too cuz I'm tired of missing all the fun kid movies. That was the first I had been to since the re-release of the Shaggy D.A. with Tim Allen.

In the morning, DD and I went to Joann's fabrics to search for fabric to reupholster the desk chair to the new to her
This End Up bedroom furniture we've acquired from a purchase through
craigslist. It's former owner was of the male gender and the upholstery on the seat and back of the chair is blue... won't do for a 7 (almost 8) year old with a soon to be
pink room. So we bought these fabrics to cover the chair, make valences and some pillows for her bed.

I also bought some Christmas fabrics to wrap gifts in. I had read about tsutsumi or furoshiki on this great blog
tip nut (you can get a daily newsletter if you don't want to miss a tip) I'm going to make my own reversible cloths and hopefully if the recipient won'tpay them ahead, I'll take the wrapping back and reuse it myself!

We also bought these cute buttons. At 50% off, I couldn't resist. I'll find a use for them I'm sure.

On the knitting front, I cast on Amanda's Squatty Sidekick after dinner on Thanksgiving and cast off just a bit ago. Here it is in it's pre-felted state. While at Joann's, I wanted to get fabric to line it. Of course I forgot to pick it out before I had all the previous fabric cut. The line for the cutting table was too long to get in it again, so I looked at the fat quarters and found these.

The pattern is for the lining and the solid for a pocket in the lining. While we were looking at buttons, I found these for the purse.

I bought some buttons for some fingerless mitts as well, but I'll save those to post with the mitts.
In the mail today came 7 skeins of Peace Fleece in soyuz apollo teal... I got it off ebay (oops.. slid off the wagon, sorry honey). Yesterday my folks decided after much discussion with myself and my siblings that their best choice of living accommodations would be Wood River. I'm very happy about that. I think it's a great choice.
Up for today, decorate the gingerbread houses make the marble magnets for the special area teachers and maybe clean up the yarn and get out the Christmas decorations??? Sound like enough to do? Well the kids are
all awake, so I better feed them and get them busy doing something that keeps them away from their father.