hope they all were able to hide! (being a vegetarian...)
We're off to my Brother and SIL's house who has graciously taken over hosting this year since our dad just got out of the hospital yesterday from his surgery. We were afraid he might still be in and they live about 15 minutes from the hospital as opposed to us (who usually host Thanksgiving) who live about 100 minutes away...at any rate, it will be good to all be together again as I don't know how many more holidays we'll have with the rents.

Just wanted to post a picture of the balaclava that I made for DS2. Of course he refuses to wear it as such (which was the whole point of making it) but DS1 loves it so he is modeling for me. Actually it fits him a bit better than it does his younger brother and he wants it so it shall be his! I'll put more details in later with a better picture.

Here's another DW cloth I finished for the Christmas stack. Won't say who this is for in case they read this blog (doubtful but you never know) If you want the specifics on the DW cloth go to the sidebar and click on the Infamous Darrell Waltrip cloth link under 2007 FOs all the info will be under that picture. I can say that the one in today's photowas knit with Early American Ombre colorway of Sugar and Cream. I love the colors!
I have been spinning VERY sporadically.. perhaps I'll take some along with my knitting today.
have a blessed holiday and happy crafting
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