One down, 179 to go. Days of school that is. Today was the WORST first day in my 22 years (OK, I've not had 22 first days cuz of sabbaticals, but.. well you get the picture) Not the kids, they were fine. Machines. As Mr. Slinger from Lily and the Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes says, tomorrow will be a better day (I'm taking my own electronics!)
The good news is I've moved up on the ravelry chain:
You signed up on June 29, 2007
You are #11554 on the list.
1214 people are ahead of you in line.
17438 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far
Another couple weeks and I should be in. Hope I have all the stash labeled in Flickr by then, so I can just upload and play. Of course I'll have no spare time to play, but... that's life
Happy crafting everyone
sorry to hear your first day back was horrid. :( that's just not right! hopefully it will get better with each passing day. yay for the finished sock! :) ooh, make sure you've got all your fo's on flickr about time consuming!!
I just got in to ravelry yesterday. I waited too long to sign up, but it's worth the wait...I'm very impressed!
Love your finished sock...self patterning yarn is so much fun to knit with!
happy knitting :)
I'll be senile by the time my number comes up on Ravelry, so I will have completely forgotten that I had even signed up or the reason why!
Kraemer's yarn shop in Nazareth is having 50 % off sale on Sept. 1st. Thought you should know....
I'll leave you some yarn ro buy at the sale!! I must post what ! bought!
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