Pattern: Yarn Harlot's sock formula from Knitting Rules
Yarn: Plymouth Sockotta (this color in fact!)
Color: 5612 Bold Stripe
Needle: Size 2 bamboo dpns
The only change I made was to use 60 stitches instead of 64, since the only thin parts of my body are below my knees!
I'm plugging away on the Lucy Bag... and before I go to bed, I'll have finished the Monthly Dishcloth KAL.. and I'm happy to say that my prediction of the picture pattern was right on :-)
My SIL comes in one week... If I'm going to do that möbius scarf for her I better figure out the cast on, cuz I have a feeling it will take every free minute of time to finish it in one week.
Happy Crafting
the socks look great--how high do they go up on your legs? You were talking knees and I thought, goodness!
Yay! Very cool. I'm jealous. I really want to make knee socks, but haven't ever gotten that far. One of these days :-D. Great job!
Oh, and you're hoping to finish a mobius in one week?!?! Wow, you're adventurous. If it helps, I had someone else asking me about the cast-on a week ago. I found this back a while ago:,2025,DIY_14142_4894528,00.html
I haven't done it yet, so I don't know how helpful it is in written word. It does sound a bit confusing. It's easier to understand when you see it on TV, but hopefully it'll help!
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