I have some photos for you then!

First, my lastest of the wheel. I like to call them my twins because they measure in at 273 yards and 276 yards, at 11 wpi. Pretty close in size I'd say. This is still from Fuzzy, the first raw fleece I purchased. Romney if you recall. There's still more fiber left from her. but I've moved on to the Targhee blend even though it doesn't seem to like the way I was spinning on Sunday. So I put the wheel up for a few days. Hopefully next time I'm treadling, the fiber and I will not be at such odds!

I was at ACMoore yesterday. I needed to pick up a display board for a project DD has for school. Of course, since Sugar and Cream was 96¢ a skein, I couldn't leave without picking up a few. Can you guess how many from the photo? More than I need but not as many as I would have liked to given a home to. LOL

Seems as though Tuesday was fiber day, because my order from Elmore Pisgah arrived. 5 pounds of peaches and cream. 3 pounds of it are for the absorba the great bathmat from the MasonDixon book. And this is what I accomplished earlier this evening. That bath mat uses triple stranded double worsted weight. With 3 little ones sometimes all in the tub at the same time, my bathroom needs this! The tiles are off white, with an occasional small aqua tile added in and the fixtures (tub, sink and potty) are the same aqua... it's a very 50's color so I think this mat will look great in there.

Along in the box were these 2 one pound cones of colors that were overruns. I love the blue and the varigated will make pretty cloths for gifts for several folks that are on my list.

Just to add to the gluttony of cotton yarn in this post, I'll include a picture of some Lion Brand that I got on sale at my local Hancock's Fabrics (they're closing many of the stores.... so sad for me!) I love the Lion Brand cotton cuz the skeins are nice and big! Everything in this picture was 40% off. The colors are dark ones, but I'm sure I'll find good use for them. I bought every skein they had in the store. Just wish they had had some other colors as well. But you can't be choosy when you are waiting for the mark-downs. I popped in there on Easter Monday, when my yarn buying diet was over because all that yarn had been calling my name during Lent. Included are 3 skeins of DMC Senso crochet cotton I want to try with some bookmark patterns. Since I still can't crochet, they'll be knitted ones. They also had some fabric strip yarn that was tempting me, but I didn't bring any home because of its ridiculously expensive price even at 40% off. It was purty though.

I leave you with another picture of my handspun.
Happy Crafting!
When I see all your cotton...it makes me feel better. I did not NEED any more, but I bought 20 skeins at AC Moore the other day. I think you bought a tad more...how can you resist that price? Need some variety!
Happy knitting :)
your handspun looks gorgeous! are you going to dye it? what are you going to do with it??? :) good lord, did you buy enough s&c??? And I thought I was bad (though I haven't made any recent purchase in a while!). I think you bought at least 30 skeins in that one pic!
Wow, that's ALOT of cotton! But it sounds like you'll be putting it to good use, so it's definitely worth all the savings :-D! And trust me, I can't say anything about yarn purchases, considering my track record lately!
The 2 skeins of Fuzzy look wonderful! You've done a fantastic job with that fleece :-D. So I'm curious too... what are your plans for the yarn?
I'm going to guess about 30 skeins of the S&C?? Lots of dishcloth KALS to be in there?
What a great deal! I was tempted to go myself but I just found 12 skeins of 12oz Bernat Handicrafter Cotton Yarn that I bought at Walmart for 3.50 a skein a few months ago that I completely forgot about! It looks like you purchased 31 skeins, that's my guess.
Nicole Cunningham
Wow Carol
I am envious of your haul. Can barely even buy that here and now I see you wallow in an extra 31 skeins.I love the colors you have chosen. Just scrummy!
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