Which came first, the chick or the egg?
I've got my ducks in a row!
The eggs are from the Curly Purly pattern I'll probably wind up making a dozen or so. Then I can put them away in an egg box for storage with the rest of the easter stuff. So far, I have 4 done. I had started another but ripped it out today while sitting in the dentist chair.
I went shopping after the dentist today. Just to my local Hancock's to see if they had any Lion Brand Cotton left. They have yarn left..... I wound up bringing home 17 skeins of cotton for a great price. Not my first pick in colors but usuable ones, navy, forest green, black and red white & blue ombre. I also picked up some other cotton yarn - 3 skeins, looks to be about a crochet weight, that I thought would be good for making bookmarks... It was all 40% off. I'll go back when the other yarns (cashmere blend...) are reduced a bit more. DS2 was sound asleep on my shoulder the whole time!
I hit the nail right on the head with DDs comment. It was the first thing out of her mouth that her brother's basket was larger than hers.... I know that little girl too well! But on the other hand she was an angel in church both Friday and Sunday AND she stepped up to the plate and changed 2 diapers for me on Sunday... one even had a little package in it. Gotta love that kid! :-)
We went to my brother and SILs for dinner on Sunday and as usual, the food was out of this world. I took along empanadas for our kids and we brought dessert. I had all good intentions of making everything, but DS2 decided that he wanted to be a night owl on Saturday, so the intentions never came to fruition. DH made an apple crisp (his signature dish) and we bought 2 cakes at Cramer's in Yardley.

I figured out the federal taxes tonight... Now I need to put the numbers on the forms. And do the state and local. At least we'll see some $ back this year... I guess there is a benefit to all those kids (OK I know, it's only 3 but sometimes it feels like a lot more!) I think I should change my W-4 though... I rather have the money all year than wait to get it back. (I like to think of it like having a little savings account or vacation fund)
OK... too late for me.. work in the morning and I still need to finish those taxes.Good thing I've got until the 17th this year. Hopefully they'll be out before the weekend though. I had wanted to get so much more done this holiday time... oh well... life goes on. too much to do, too little time!
happy crafting
Your peeps, eggs and baskets are adorable!
happy knitting :)
oh my gosh!! I wish I had seen those eggs too. I'm definitely going to be knitting the basket and the eggs next year for my niece! Too freakin' cute.
Your peeps are eggzactly perfect.
Oh my, perfect baskets and contents!
I love the baskets "all dressed up". They turned out really great. I did pretty much the same thing for dd (different basket, but otherwise..). She loved the eggs, so I made 4, but the peeps... well... I only had patience enough for 1. I decided to try a boucle. It turned out cute, but uggg...
I know I'm way behind on posting it! However, I have to crack up... I recognize the colorway for one of the eggs -- it's seadragon from MM. Why? B/c I made an egg for dd in it as well! (leftover from the longies she wouldn't wear) :-D
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