We had snow FINALLY. Not as much as predicted, but the weather was enough to keep us home from school [insert happy dance]. Of course DH had to go to work, so I didn't get as much done as I'd like craftwise, but... those are the breaks. I was out shovelling for a couple of hours yesterday. The neighbor on one side shovelled our front walk in the morning when he did his (so sweet) and the guy on the other side ran a pass with his snowblower on practically the whole block (another sweetie) so I went out did the side walk and back to the garage, and then cleaned up the front of all three houses so when (if) it melts the run off will go into the ground instead of freezing on the sidewalk. While I was out the girl 2 doors down came home and got stuck in the snow. When her DP came out they shovelled a spot for the car and then she and I pushed while he drove. It was my first time to finally meet them. Nice young couple, I could like hanging with them, but they're so young and I'm so old!
Well, this post is long overdue. Some pictures of my recently FOs and some spinning stuff.
I forgot to take a picture of the wooden box we decorated for DD's teacher for Valentine's day. But I did take a picture of the bookmark I made for her reading teacher.

Pattern: Monthly Bookmark KAL February Bookmark
Yarn: Paton's Grace
Color: Viola
Needle size: 5
Bead: Glass Heart
I hope she likes it!

This is the cloth that I received from my exchange partner in the
Love2Knit_Dishcloth group. Thanks Dorleska. We got our partner's names in January and had to mail the cloth out by Feb 1st but weren't supposed to open until Valentine's Day. I was a good girl and waited.
Here are the slippers I made DD for her birthday (last Friday) I just finished them yesterday and felted them. Actually they are still a bit damp so she'll have to wait a bit before she can use them. She chose the color combo and I really love it... nice and bright for a dreary winter.

Pattern: Knitting at Knoon family of slippers
Wool: Peace Fleece
Colors: Perestroika Pink with Firebird orange
Needle Size: 11I've said before how much I love this yarn, but I really do. I can't get enough of it. And as you can see it felts beautifully!!!!!!!

And finally, a picture of how my dyed rolags are coming spun. I'm very pleased with this wool and will definitely buy this fleece again. Fluffy is turning out so well. Now I need to decide what she will become! I'm thinking maybe a hat and mittens for ME! (that's a switch, I've
yet to finish a project that's earmarked for myself.
Last night we decorated the valentine cookies for DD's school party that was supposed to be Wednesday. I thought it would be today because as of last night they hadn't cancelled school. But perhaps it will be Friday.
We may try to venture out this afternoon, although I'm a bit afraid of taking the van out of the garage for fear that it will get stuck in the snow in the alley. They haven't plowed there yet. DD's little girl bowling party is tmrw afternoon and I have to buy the stuff for the goody bags. She has a half day at school tomorrow. If I don't go now, we may wait until I drop her at school in the morning. I hate to leave things for the last minute though.
Wishing you warmth and fun crafting.