Including, but not limited to musings on knitting and other crafts. With any luck, original patterns will also be posted.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Baby panda in DC
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
had to share
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
the stash started like this
then the basement looked like this
and the new picture has yet to be taken, but it'll be a beauty.
And hopefully, the room I'm painting will be complete soon. I want to leave it steampunk but DH wants to box out the pipes.
I forgot to mention the little friend that came to visit us the other day
His cardinal parents were flying around encouraging him to take the leap. The neighbor's dog scared him to death. He is so sweet.
off to weed the garden a bit then move more stash.
Monday, June 25, 2012
It's all about baseball. DS1 is on his league's all-star baseball team. They have a game Tuesday night. They lost their first so depending on the outcome it could be their last or they could play again on Thursday. I'm hoping for the latter. He's done remarkably well this season and I'm insanely proud of him. He was Snoopy in his school's You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown musical as well so we had a hoppin' spring.
DS2 played baseball as well so we were at the field almost every night after school and play practice!
I am headed back to the elementary school to teach and couldn't be happier. I need to get started on making awesome lesson plans. The new books are in my car.
My kids have kept me insanely busy with their schedules, but I guess that's what keeps me young.
My latest project that just finished blocking and drying today is a birthday gift for a friend that I hope to see this weekend.
Pattern: Citron
Designer:Hilary Smith Callas
Yarn: my own handspun targhee cross 2 ply (from a raw fleece)
Weight: fingering
Color: swimming pool blues (kettle dyed with BerryBlast Kool Aid and medium and dark blue Wiltons gel)
Needle: US6
Yardage: less than 600
I hope she likes it. It's only my 3rd project that I've made using handspun. The 2nd was this gift for DH for Christmas, which he wears but I'm not completely happy with:
Also not the most clear picture. That was with 3 ply BFL undyed except for the trim which was romney dyed with coffee.
I haven't knit or spun much in the past 2 years being at the JHS... Hoping that will change with the school change this year.
Well my list of summer projects is growing. And we'll have company for 7 weeks or so, so rather than type more I should get cracking.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
still alive
THe most recent being the daughter's 12th birthday. It fell on a girl scout meeting night so she had her cake there. Then on Saturday she took a friend with the family to Red Robin for diner and to see the new Journey movie (in 3D of course, aren't all new movies released in 3D now?)
Her family party was last Sunday and her request was that in lieu of cake we have cupcakes. (too much cupcake war challenges I believe) So we decided on making both vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. Each with it's share of a chocolate surprise inside and each with raspberry filling.
Much of the rest of the time has been spent helping the kids with their school projects, trying to set up the craft room in the basement and lots and lots of school preparations and grading....
I have knitting to talk about but I'll save that for another day!