Yarn: from MIL from Argentina... 2 ply heavy worsted with plenty of veg matter
Color: natural
Needle: US10
recipient: ME! (it's my new year's resolution to knit for myself)
Modifications: knit 17 cable repeats in place of 16
Buttons: wooden from stash
This was the first time I made something from a chart and was not bad.. considering there was errata in the chart that I didn't get when I started. It took me 2 weeks... almost to the hour.. I started at opening ceremonies when they were aired ET and ended at 6:05 PM 2 weeks later. Sometimes I knit without the cable needle, (well in my case a dpn), and sometimes with .. and honestly to me it seems much faster to knit with. There's no fiddling and it's so simple to just knit off the end.. why bother the risk of dropping stitches.. don't get it!

I've started the olympic reindeer hat and it's my mission to finish before the closing ceremonies today... Had to dye yarn red in order to do it.. but I WILL win the gold. (IT's my first at doing colorwork for this hat!) Quite the olympics of firsts for me and it feels GREAT!
so warm and squishy...