The bunny was a very busy girl today. Went shopping for baskets... not candy, but some last minute goodies, like bike helmets a movie, etc. Stopped at the thrift shop to donate a large bag and went in and came out with a large bag... hahaha cashmere sweaters, wool sweaters to felt for a Christmas gift project, a pizza stone, pants for DS2, a movie for DS1 and a silk tie.
I wanted to try my hand at literally tie dyeing eggs... It wasn't too successful... I'm not giving up though!

Speaking of dyeing... this week I dyed some handspun in colors that remind me of tulips...The green is the leaves and stems and well the rest is the flower itself.
My SIL was admitted to the hospital today with double pneumonia. We usually have Easter at their house, but I knew she wasn't feeling well so had thought we'd stay home and I'd do the dinner thing here for the family. My other SIL is sick as well, so I wanted to make sure that mom had someone to celebrate with. We're all heading down very early in the AM and bringing her to church with us then going out for lunch. Fortunately, I was able to get reservations for us at a favorite Italian restaurant between church and her 'village' and not far from the hospital that my SIL is in. So I convinced my brother and nephew to join us, since they still need to eat! DS1 will be just as happy not to see his dog cousin!
The hoodie is almost finished.. making the hood now... I think I realized a kind of major error, but it looks ok... so I'll let it slide. IF I ever make this pattern again, I'll be using the yarn it calls for... just didn't have it in boy colors and I want to knit from stash this year only (if at all possible)
At any rate, enjoy your holiday... It's my favorite one of all (actually my favorite church service was Friday... something about that tenebrae service really hits me.)