First g-girl gave me this award a bit ago and I haven't posted it or paid it forward so it's high time that happened.

The rules are:
1- Post the award on your blog.
2- Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
3- Nominate at least 4 other bloggers and add their links:
I'm nominating:
knittin fun,
miss liz,
jennifer, and
My cousins daughter came to visit today with her daughter and we went thrift shopping for wool sweaters. We hit the Salvation Army and American Family Services. I came away with a pile to felt and a pile to frog.

All but one of this pile to frog has cashmere (one 100% and the others a blend with wool and some nylon or else blended with silk) and the other is extra fine merino. So I'm hitting with some fine fiber. Just need some time now to frog and knit!
I also got a 100% white cotton bedsheet and a 100% white cotton tablecloth to turn into curtains for my room in the new building. I'll tie dye them once the curtains are sewn. Last time I found that they wanted $24 for a set of sheets. These were $6 for everything (just one sheet though, not a set).
I was thrifting last weekend and scored some cashmere as well. That and some merino. I should be set for quite some time now.
And we had 28 guests on Saturday for DS2s party. It was a full house. Since the weather was beautiful (75° F) we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. I made potato salad, carrot raisin salad, 4 bean salad and spinach with strawberry salad as well as deviled eggs. It felt like summer. I hope everyone had a good time. Unfortunately, I didn't make the cake, but it tastes great and looked phenomenal. And my son was in awe!

Yes he's still a Thomas fan. And I'm happy for that.
OK.. off to finish some work and maybe, just maybe the knitting on the wild stripes blanket (finally... I'm really tired of knitting it!)