tmrw is earth day... and I'll be way busy at school doing our earth day choral concert (with any luck in the borough park) featuring all great songs celebrating Mother Earth. Look for a write up in the or the Hazelton Standard Speaker today. Both papers were supposed to do a write-up... Lord knows our department can use some good PR. The instrumental program is going to take a hit at the board meeting tonight I'm afraid.
Soon to come pictures of what's been happening in my life.. just no time to post until after the concert!
Do something to help save the planet... visit Earth Day and 50 Things you can do and if you have clear skies in your neck of the woods... watch the heavens celebrate with a meteor shower!
10 signs that you're getting older. I could only come up with 9... maybe that means I'm not getting that much older? Doubtful
harder to lose weight
gray hair
memory starts to fail
need readers in order to see to read
more content to sit
less patience with loud noise
awaken in the middle of the night
don't understand the music of the youth as well
think of the past as the 'good old days'
taxes are filed (hopefully) need to do the city ones while I put the kids to bed... We e-filed last night but it was rejected because of a silly typo....
The stress is building... but I'm trying to remain calm. I had to fix my tiedye dress and my boss' shirt tonight.. also dyed one for DD...
Yes I know I've been MIA.... but I really have been a bad knitting girl. I've been frogging thrift sweaters more than knitting of late... my idea is to open an etsy shop to sell recycled beautiful fibers and such so I've been building inventory while the thrift stoes still have wooly fibers to buy. It's getting difficult to find though. The last time I went I came home empty handed!
Friday was tie dye day. My colleague and I did about 70 t-shirts and a dress for each of us for our Earth Day concert. The kids will be painting the planet on the front on Friday at our combined rehearsal. I need to make the stamp yet... so I've been really occupied with work from school. The marking period ended not too long ago so there were grades... The knitters from PSSAs have been bringing in their completed and incomplete rectangles (which I need to finish) And the district is contemplating cutting a music position which has been weighing heavily on my mind.
So please forgive the lack of blogging AND knitting... I'm still touching lots and lots of fiber... hopefully will be creating rather than destructing soon.. We have a wedding to go to in June and I want to make them an afghan... so I better get working.
Easter was lovely with the family... I ate far too much. But it was tasty :-)
hope you're all well... I'll be surfing and typing again soon.
Yet again, the federal government is lowering health standards for the American public by entertaining an bill which seems intiated by Monsanto corporation (maker of aspartame... public health supporter??? please) to force organic farmers to use fertilizers and insect sprays to 'protect' the food supply... UM... isn't that an oxymoron to organic gardening???
If you are at all concerned, please read the article below, follow the links and write to your congressman and senators asking them to vote NO...
As a country, we need to encourage healthy habits which include stopping putting chemicals in our bodies... So much for supporting a naturally healthy America and decreasing long term medical costs.
Bill to Outlaw Organic Gardening
Subject: Monsanto: A bill to outlaw organic farming next week?
US House and Senate are about (in a week and a half) to vote on bill that will OUTLAW ORGANIC FARMING (bill HR 875). There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening.
Main backer and lobbyist is (guess who) Monsanto (aspartame maker) - chemical and genetic engineering giant corporation. This bill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply". This will include backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales.
If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.
The name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (bill HR 875).
THIS IS REAL, FOLKS! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL CONCERNED ON YOUR MAILING LISTS & CALL YOUR SENATE REPRESENTETIVES TODAY! Get on that phone and burn up the wires. Get anyone else you can to do the same thing. The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatened with loss of their position.... They only fear your voice and your vote.
The best thing to do is go to all you have to do is put in your zip and it will give you your congressperson and how to get in touch with them. When you call their office someone will answer the phone, just tell them (politely) that you are calling to express your views on HR 875. Tell them your views, they'll take your name and address and pass your comments along to the congressperson. Here is a list for U.S. senators and their contact info.