Sunday, May 27, 2007

and now the rest of the story

here are the other 2 cloths... of the three... well the third I decided I didn't want to finish and ripped it out. This is the second KAL that I've done that to in the past month. Once I saw the finished picture (yes i was behind in knitting) I though, I don't want to spend anymore time on that cloth and into the frog pond it went.

This one will go to my friend with the black and orange kitchen!

Pattern: Dragonfly and his Meal - Dishcloth Fun May KAL
Yarn: Lily's Sugar and Cream
Color: Hot Orange
Needle: Size 7 bamboo dpns

This is for a colleague who is having some worries right now. His son is marrying a wonderful woman in PEI next month and they plan on coming to the states for 6 months but then don't know where they'll be led. Unfortunately, there may be some issues to get her into the country to stay legally and honestly. Since they're both Bible college grads the honesty is the issue. They could easily lie to get her in, but that could also come back to bite them in the behind later so prayers go out to them for a solution to keep the newlyweds together!

Pattern: Prayer Hands by alli barrett
Yarn: LIly's Sugar and Cream
Color: Jute
Needle: Size 6 KP Options

We were at a wonderful birthday party yesterday for our 'cousin' as my kids refer to him, even though they aren't related at all. We just love this family to bits and couldn't be closer if we were blood related. The kids had a great time as usual!

Finally a picture of the beautimous flowers DH gave me for our anniversary. He knows I LOVE carnations and the colors are so pretty.. thanks honey a bunch in case you ever read this blog HAHAHA

Off to a wedding today. It's our day out since we couldn't get a sitter for the anniversary date (or Friday night for that matter) My sitters' have more social lives than we do... oh wait, we don't have a social life LOL!

1 comment:

g-girl said...

the prayer hands cloth looks really nice! :) oh please, as if you're the only one who is ever behind on the dishcloth kals!! I have to honestly say that I haven't knit one with the group in a really long time.